• Regular Exercise For Mental Health

    Last week we went out on our monthly adventure and went to the Crowsnest Pass to go cross country skiing. Correen and Kathleen LOVE cross-country skiing, but Becky and Melissa are a little more resistant. But we all know the benefits of regular exercise for mental health, and so it was Becky and Melissa’s turn to do what Kathleen and Correen love.

    We first tried x-country skiing a few years ago and it was terrible. It was very icy and no track at all. We spent more time on our behinds than standing, and I (Melissa) swore I would never go cross country skiing again.

    Becky has tried a few more times, and did not enjoy it at all. But I figured it was time to give it another go, and Becky was a trooper and decided to join us. I borrowed skis from my sister in law because I was told the reason I did not enjoy x-country ski the first time was due to crappy rental ski’s.

    We headed to Alpenland in Blairmore to pick up Becky and Danielle’s rental ski’s, but they did not open until 10 a.m. and we arrived there around 9:30. So we “not-so-reluctantly” headed down the block to the Cherry-on-Top Cafe for a delicious morning brew.

    Cherry on Top Cafe

    At 10, Becky and Danielle headed back to Alpenland and the rest of us headed a few stores past that to Spry, and outdoor store with everything you could need to go adventuring in the mountains!

    Trying on ski boots

    We spent a lot of time there checking out their discount section, but finally decided it was warming up enough outside to head to the cross-country ski area in Allison/Chinook.

    The Mind-Body Connection

    It was so beautiful out – about -10 degrees celsius – and slightly breezy, but once we got in the trees, we were mostly protected from the wind. I personally love the mountains, and typically have a smile pasted to my face the entire time I am out there. There is something so invigorating about being out in beautiful nature!

    When I read about the mind-body connection, it’s usually something about practicing mindfulness, because our body responds to the way we think. Or that the way we feel influences the way we think.

    There might be some truth to that, but when I think of the mind-body connection, I believe it is about doing things physically that affect our mind, either in a good way or a bad way.

    And the best way to do things physically that puts our mind in a good mental space, is to do it with friends. Over the years, we have had so many fun adventures, they get us through the tough times by working our bodies hard and talking through things while doing that work.

    Building Resilience: Exercise as a Coping Mechanism

    Exercise can build emotional resilience and mental toughness. I don’t think Becky will mind me sharing this, but she was not excited to go cross country skiing. She has tried several times, and just hasn’t connected with the “joy” of the activity.

    But she is a trooper, and decided to give it another go, because Correen and Kathleen have gone snowshoeing with us several times even though they prefer to x-country ski.

    Becky has gone through many tough challenges in the last 5 years. She lost her dad and husband to cancer, her uncle to a heart attack, and most recently her mom passed away during open heart surgery. Last week, her dad’s dog also died, which was affected her more emotionally than she thought it would!

    Through this all, she has maintained exercising to help her cope through these challenges. Kathleen and Correen will also both attest to the fact that exercise has helped them through difficult personal challenges. (They will both talk about this in the video)

    Truth be told, Becky was not herself on this day. Like I said, she is a trooper, and does not often complain. She had a few tantrums (also caught on camera ;), and like the true friends we are, we told her to “keep gliding”, and “it’s faster to ski back to the vehicle than walk”…lol.

    The Joy of Group Workouts: Exercising with Friends

    The best part of group workouts is the social interaction. Most of the time it can help you get a good workout in without realizing how hard you are working. Plus, if you are one of the slower people in the group (me), it make’s you work harder to not fall too far behind!

    Honestly, in all the years that we have gone adventuring or working out with different groups, I found when I do it regularly, it get’s me in better shape because I challenge myself to stay close to the other….I hate having people wait for me!

    So on this particular adventure, the best part of our day was Becky and I crashing into each other. We were nearing the end, and there was a bit of a downhill. The ski’s I had borrowed were not very fast at all, and I actually had to use my poles to help propel me down the slight hill.

    I heard Becky behind me saying she was catching up to me…assuming she was on the same track I was on, I moved over. But she had moved over and I had moved right in front of her.

    We crashed face first into the snow, ski’s and poles everywhere. We laughed and laughed…..it was the perfect end to our day, and definitely the most memorable event of the day!

    The next day Becky messaged us saying “Back to the mental health from yesterday…last night I was the calmest and most settled I’d been in a few days! So I definitely worked something out of my system.” 

    I am telling you, exercising outside with friends is the best medicine for your mind!!

    Nature’s Healing Power: The Upsides of Exercising Outdoors

    Being outside just changes my entire outlook on life. I have been a little grumpy the last while because I have been working a lot, and I work in an office. Thankfully I have a big window, so I have natural light and can look outside, but it’s hard when you just want to go outside and explore!

    Plus, when there is a lot of negativity at the workplace, it can kind of suck you in and steal your joy. So while its a good thing to go to a gym to regularly exercise, I think it is imperative to get outdoor workouts in.

    When I workout in a gym, its nice to stick my headphones in my ears, and focus completely what I am doing. There is equipment to focus on different body parts, and you don’t have to worry about anything else. (Well, unless someone is sitting on the equipment you need, scrolling through tik toks….)

    But when you head outside to workout, be it hiking, snowshoeing, paddle boarding, cross country skiing etc. it is all consuming.

    You have to think about where your next step is when hiking, keeping your balance while paddle boarding, all while being immersed in the outdoors. I swear there is nothing better. If I could be out in the mountains or in the coulees at least twice a week, it would make me so happy.

    That is a goal of mine this coming summer. Get to the mountains twice a week. Make it a routine to go mountain biking, hiking, paddleboarding, and whatever else we can think of….twice a week. I may have to quit working 😉

    Crafting Your Path to Mental Wellness Through Exercise

    Living in Canada, the winters are long and dark. This can have a major negative affect on anyone’s mental health. The best thing to do is to create a realistic and sustainable exercise plan.

    Many people tell us they wish they had a group of friends they could adventure with like we do. But we aren’t special. All you need to do is find someone you enjoy spending time with, and plan a day to go do a local hike with.

    Start out small. If you are nervous about hiking, plan to go on a well traveled route where you are unlikely to be hiking alone. Or, look up a business like Outdoor Adventures in Southern Alberta. They offer group hikes or other adventures for fee, but it’s a great option if you have not found like minded people to go explore outdoors with!

    We all met when our kids were young, through local playgroups and through a local running group made up mostly of moms.

    So put yourself out there, and start talking to other like minded people who maybe have the same lifestyle as you do, and start planning! Sometimes all it takes is to make a plan, and then others will jump on board.

    You can do it. You can get outside, improve your mental and physical health, and also make great friends along the way!

    We would love to know if you are getting outside with friends, what you are doing, and where you are adventuring. Let us know in the comments below!


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